IMT CDL connects educators, industry professionals and learners by virtually bringing real world relevance to its classroom. The classrooms have become more advanced and are taking advantage of the fast moving technological innovations. IMT CDL also invites expert guests who are nationally and internationally renowned to encourage student discussion and critical thinking. The Expert connect allows the student to build ideas and know-how on ways in which the theory learned in class might be applied to the real world. The expert connect classroom offers student an opportunities to attend live classes with expert in domain on a current industry topics that can help them to prepare for their career.
Expert Connect – The Connected ClassRoom
Faculty at IMT, Centre for Distance Learning are not just subject matter experts but are also capable of handling all kinds of real life business scenarios to create high impact learning. They are all trained to address the non-traditional learning needs of busy working professionals who demand a flexible learning environment.
The students have the option of attending Online Learning Sessionss as per the prescribed schedule at IMT CDL headquarter. Additionally students can also access recorded and live lectures thru the IMT CDL technology platform.
Facility to interact with the faculty during the personal contact programs and thru other innovative methods are a great way to clarify doubts and engage with experts based at IMT CDL headquarter.
The students can also access shared technology infrastructure at IMT CDL’s own designated locations to supplement their self learning.
EduGenie, ensuring 24 by 7 access to On Demand learning
IMT Centre for Distance Learning (IMT CDL), Ghaziabad is the most apt answer to meet the management education requirements of those who wish to pursue quality management education without taking a break in career. IMT CDL enables the learners to experience world class management education with the required ease and flexibility and without the need to remain away from work. The wish of students to continue their respective careers while pursuing a premium management program is answered by “EduGenie”.
EduGenie is a powerful Technology based Learning Environment which offers most Learning activities and resources “On Demand”. The EduGenie Learning Environment integrates cutting edge learning technologies, world class learning resources and power of a globally respected Learning Platform. EduGenie gets busy working executives to access highly interactive learning courseware, participate in enjoyable learning activities, watch insightful Leaning videos, practice mock tests, and collaborate with peers on the Go and 24X7. Armed with just an internet connection and a device, busy executives can use EduGenie to connect themselves with perhaps one of the most engaging and enjoyable learning environment in the country.
The key components of the EduGenie Learning Environment are as follows:
- A Globally Renowned Learning Management System: Now IMT students get to study and collaborate on a Learning Management System that’s used by students of 73% of the Top 200 Universities in the world. It is one of the world’s most comprehensive education technology platforms and supports diverse range of teaching and learning tools.
- Interactive Learning Material Authored by some of the world’s Best Known Experts: Working executives can access highly interactive learning courseware, participate in enjoyable learning activities, watch insightful Leaning videos and practice mock tests developed by some the world’s best known authors. This also on the Go and 24X7.